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Is satisfaction good? | Satisfaction | Satisfaction vs Growth

Hello guys and welcome to a new blog, in my previous blog which was on satisfying your wants in which I briefly explained with an example that how to satisfy your wants but when I read it again, I thought that Is satisfaction really good for a human? when I contemplate about it I came to a completely different perspective.

Human beings have a character of relating everything they have done with a certain satisfaction(happiness, money, respect, power) but what if that satisfaction turns into complacency, the result will be disastrous.

The result will that human will stop growing or getting better day by day. There is a principle in economics that Trade can make everyone better off which means if a country A is a competitor of Country B in a certain product due to that competition both the country will try their best to maintain a better quality of the product at a little lower price. So both the country will, in turn, provide a better product.

But if there was the monotony of Country A over that product country would not have tried become better the result will either the consumer will substitute the product or start trade with a different country.

The above example can be seen in today's gadgets market.

So it is better to grow than to satisfy and hit the plateau, remember you will only work hard when you want to grow or want to reach a better situation.

If you think you are satisfied, aim for a bigger goal.
If you think you are the best, your best ends. 


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