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How to always remain happy | How to stay happy | How to lead a happy life


One of the most important question in this century is how to stay happy, people blame their situation that they are not happy with their life but it is their own life they can do whatever they want and it is obvious that the thing they are doing must be making them happy directly or indirectly so how does the problem occur in one's life .


The problem starts with two of the most common words of economics wants and needs, the two words may sometime use interchangeably but there is an important difference between them.
A need is a requirement very important to us than only being just desirable.                                               

A want is a desire to possess or do something.

People say that wants are never ending but needs are like food, clothing, house etc. But wants are branded clothes and a big bungalow to live in.

  1. So if one satisfy his wants he will most probably be happy or
  2. If one keeps his wants and his happiness different.

first is itself very ambiguous, I will be telling about it in my next blog.
In second if one separates his wants with the happiness he will have no problem 

For example, You want a sports car, if you get it you will be happy but what when you didn't get it. 

Instead, think that why do you need a sports car it and why it will give you happiness and then think why you are not able to buy it most probably because of financial conditions, so buying a thing which will be a burden on your head for few years(loan) is worse than buying a sports car instead, if the car is necessary for you you may buy some other models or wait for some years. So when you will compare the two situations you will probably separate your wants from happiness.


But why are you crying you got your car and some stress for coming years?

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