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How to remove addiction | How to get rid of addiction

Hello guys and welcome in this blog I will be telling you how to decrease your addiction. So, first of all, we must think that how you addicted to the thing. Addiction occurs when you do something so regularly that it became a part of your life. For example If you are addicted to cigarette, alcohol or any gadget you must have started the use of it very frequently, first, you have just started the thing for trying it, because of peer pressure, stress or feeling lonely, you liked it than you used it twice the next day and then just increased it day by day and end up surviving on it. So to end that addiction the same technique must be used:- On First few days try to minimize it very slowly for example if you used mobile for 4 hours and try to use next day 10-5 minutes less or what you can give up, continue the above usage time for few days like 2-4 days then again reduce the time. Reduce your time in slabs and step by step not straightway decreasing it to ha